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Environmental Social & Governance

Orbminco Limited has established a set of core values to successfully manage and grow its business operations with a heightened focus on environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects. The Company believes in transparent reporting and maintaining strong communications with not only shareholders but all stakeholders. It believes it has a social licence to operate which must not be taken for granted as there is a very strong expectation that the Company will complete its activities in an environmentally sustainable and socially acceptable manner. 


Orbminco Limited is committed to exceeding regulatory requirements in relation to its ground disturbing activities during exploration.  Orbminco Limited has created a database of the historical drilling disturbance within its tenement portfolio and aims to ensure historical drill holes and abandoned grid lines are fully rehabilitated in accordance with exploration best practice and community expectations.  Further Orbminco Limited believes in progressive rehabilitation and ensures its ground disturbing activities are rehabilitated to the highest standards within the shortest possible timeframes.  


Orbminco Limited believes in maintaining both the physical and mental wellbeing of its employees and has introduced a Fatigue Management Policy to ensure the safety and wellbeing of its employees is continuously monitored and an Indigenous People Policy to ensure the respect owed to one of its key stakeholders is maintained to the highest levels. 


Orbminco Limited has active land access and heritage agreements in place with the Aboriginal Corporations on whose land it operates and the Company strives to ensure the Traditional Owners are fully informed of pending and current work programmes as well as engaging the local communities in employment opportunities where ever possible.


As Orbminco Limited plans its exploration activities in the wheatbelt region of Western Australia, the Company will actively engage with the landowners and the broader community to ensure effective and open communications are maintained at all times.  Land Access and Compensation Agreements will be executed with affected landowners in return for the privilege of exploring their land.

Health and Safety

Orbminco Limited is progressively updating its OH&S procedures and protocols to ensure they remain up to date and relevant.  Orbminco Limited’s Safety Management Systems have been independently audited to ensure the Company is in compliance with the Western Australia Work Health and Safety legislation due for enactment in early 2022.  A gap analysis of any shortfalls in its systems has also been undertaken and measures have been put in place to ensure amendments are completed in a timely manner and all employees are fully abreast of any changes required.

Corporate Governance

During FY2021 the Company began reviewing and updating its Corporate Governance Policies to ensure they are commensurate with the Company’s need. 

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